Wednesday, April 7, 2010

le dernier txoco à txori

I just LOVE a family style meal!  It's always a great opportunity to meet new people and to sample food that you might not ordinarily order from the menu.  It was Txori's last Txoco, but it will be etched on my palette eternally.
A 'txoco' is a gastronomic society traditional to the Basque country of Spain.  Its members are drawn from all sections of society, and they themselves organize the shopping and cooking. Mealtimes are relaxed with controversial subjects like politics usually avoided. But although most of the txocos allow women to join meals as guests, some stick to the all-male tradition - arguing that txocos offer men an escape from the Basque matriarchal culture.  ~ BBC News
We bid a warm and fond farewell to Txori and all the beautiful food we've put away.  Carolin, you are a genius, and we look forward to your future ventures!

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